texturing was done in Substance Painter.

texturing was done in Substance Painter.

highres sculpting done in Blender.

highres sculpting done in Blender.

work in progress script I'm developing in python that works with a custom texturing material in blender.

work in progress script I'm developing in python that works with a custom texturing material in blender.


Chieftain Orc. This character was developed as an idea to fully develop in Blender from sculpting, retopology, uvunwrapping, to detailing, and texturing. Typically I'll do my high poly sculpting in Zbrush, but for this I wanted to see how well I can get the high res sculpting to look right in Blender. I ended up doing textures in Substance Painter as texturing in Blender can be abit tricky. So SP gives the best results for me at this time. But I am developing a fun tool/script in python that works with a material initially for skin texturing but aiming to evolve it to be use-able for hard-surface texturing as well. The design was inspired by World of Warcraft orc designs and a small influence from God of War/Norse tattoos in the tattooing on this character's left arm. The hair was groomed with Blenders hair curves.